9 Best Office Hairstyles for Long Hair

These busy mornings just keep getting smaller and smaller. As you hurry around the room looking for the right outfit to match today’s busy mood, you quickly stand in front of the mirror wondering how to wear your hair that would fit in well with the look for the day.

office hairstyles for long hair

You want to do something new, something trendy but you’re afraid you’re running out of time simply by standing and thinking. We all know that long hairs can be styled in various ways. If you do sport a long hair, I think it’s time you check out this awesome hairstyle tricks for your busy office mornings.

Latest and Casual Office Hairstyles for Long Hair:

Let we have to look at the top 9 Office Hairstyles for Long Hair.

The Big Bun:

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Always opt for the big bun when you are having a bad hair day. If your hair is not at all ready to listen to you today, gather your hair in a high pony and then start twisting it to a bun. You can even use the sock bun method to get a perfect texture for the bun and then secure it tightly with a thin tie. This is a perfect look for your office paired with your white sweater and black trousers.

The Sleek Braid:

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Now for an early morning office, you can always opt for a simple braid but with a little spice to it. With your black coat and grey shirt, use a black headband on the properly combed crown of your head. However, part your hair from the side and sleek it down into the side braid before attaching the headband.

See More: Hairstyle For Open Long Hair

The Looping Bun:

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This is a new variation to the usually buns where you can carry of a perfectly casual hair do for your office without losing the official touch to it. Start by teasing your hair in the front a bit. Now tie your hair in a ponytail and make a loop through it. pass the ponytail but only halfway through the hair to get the bun look.

Get a Bigger Pony:

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If you have always imagined you would sport a long ponytail, this is the perfect time for you to do so. This is a classic trick to achieve a longer pony. Start by segmenting your hair into two. For this you would need a curly head of hair. This look without the volume would be different. Tie the lower end first into a pony and then tie the upper end into a loose pony to cover the lower end.

See More: Formal Hairstyles For Long Hair Easy

The Easy Pin up:

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If you really want to keep your strands long and perfect, sport an open hair during your office interview but add a touch of business to it. Spray your hair well to add some volume to it and then slowly start pinning the two front locks to the back of your hair. The hairspray will add a bit of volume to the look.

The Rolled on Low Bun:

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For this low bun use the keep some of the front locks loose and tie a pony at the lowest end of the hair right above the neck. Now loop the pony into a bun by using a secure and some pins. Take the front locks and now roll them around the bun and secure the look again with some pins.

See More: Different Hairstyles For Girls With Long Hair

The Braided Pony:

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For this look simply tie a French styled braid from the front of your hair and take it all the way back and secure it with a pony.

The Three Tier Pony:

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For this tie a simple pony and then divide it into three. Use a loose strand to wrap around the tie to hide the rubber band. Now throughout the length of the pony try the looping ponytail to achieve this look.

Fishtail Bun:

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For this hairdo tie the fishtail braid hairstyle and then fan it to add volume. Now roll it up and pin it in a bun.

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