Best Healthy Fruits for Weight Gain Quickly and Safely

People all over the world struggle with the problem of losing weight. However, some percent of people deal with the issue of gaining weight as well. Those kinds of people are too thin and are in need of some body mass. However, even athletes are required to put on some weight so that they can perform well in the field. There are loads of fruits that help weight gain in the market, and the success rate of following a fruit diet for weight gain has been quite high.

Fruits that make you gain weight are rich in the sugar content and in terms of carbohydrates. The best part about going on a fruit diet is that it not only adds in some carbs and fats in the body, but it adds in some vitamins and minerals as well. In a nutshell, there is proper wellbeing of your body, and the body is way too fit and healthy. In addition to this, it adds up the immunity quotient as well. Do not wonder which fruits gain weight fast, we will tell you.

While you are going on a fruit diet, go ahead and munch on to a bowl of fruit now and then the best way to eat fruits for weight gain is by preparing a bowl of fruits, cream, and sugar or fruits, milk and sugar and know which fruit increases weight fast. The milk or a cream substance in the fruit bowl will provide you with extra fattening quotient. Further, day and night you can even add in a glass of milkshake so that you can gain weight quickly. Here is a list of fruits for weight gain and will tell you exactly which fruit is good for weight gain.

List Of Top Fruits for Weight Gain:

1. Bananas:


Bananas are considered a healthy fruit for weight gain. They contain 200 grams of calorie if you consume 2 bananas daily. In addition to this, the vitamin, iron and magnesium content in the bananas helps in boosting the immunity levels of the body and passing on calcium for stronger bones. The best ways to consume banana is by making a smoothie of nuts and bowls of milk. You can add in sugar as well for the additional weight gain property and is a healthy fruit to weight gain fast.

2. Avocados:


Avocados are magical fruits to weight gain fast as well as weight loss. However, this depends on the consumption and your diet. If you consume an avocado daily, you will hog on to supplements like vitamin K, A, C, magnesium, sodium, and iron. You can make guacamole out of it or just add it to your daily breakfast routine with scrambled eggs. In addition to this, the consumption of avocado will help in injecting healthy fats into your body and is one of the fruits that help you gain weight fast.

3. Mangoes:


The king of the fruits is rich in vitamin and magnesium content and is fruits which help in weight gain. It helps in boosting the levels of immunity. Fruits that increase weight gain as it contains high sugar levels. If coupled with milk or some cream, mango will be a fantastic supplements to gain weight quickly. However, keep in mind not to overdo the mango technique as it can lead to the production of excessive heat in the body and an upset stomach. Consume half a mango daily, before going to bed.

4. Strawberry:


Strawberries are the little red berries, fruit that add weight. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C giving you healthy glowing skin. They show amazing results when coupled with milk and sugar, adding on to the sugar and fat levels and helping in the quick weight gain. If you are looking out for fruits for weight gain, strawberry milkshake should be your best friend. Gulp down two cups of strawberry milk daily, to witness results in a few days and are one of the fruits good for weight gain.

See More: How to Gain Weight

5. Chikoo:


Chikoo, the little round, and brown fruits are rich in sugar levels and healthy fats that are one of the fruits for weight gain and that too quickly. Best way to consume Chikoo would be to churn it with some fresh cream or full-fat yogurt and sugar and drink it up like a smoothie. This also helps in giving a good shape to your body and the vitamins help in hiking the immunity levels as well. Drink a glass of Chikoo smoothie every day before going to bed. This unravels the answer to the question which fruits help you in gaining weight?

6. Sweet-Corn:


Well, sweet-corn can be counted in the category of fruits as well as vegetables. But the sorted thing with sweet-corn is that it is a fantastic fruit that causes weight gain. Sweet-corn is high in protein levels, so when you consume the boiled kernels of this fruit, you will feel hungry after some time. Thus, you will end up eating more after it, as it increases your appetite. Plus, it is equipped with a high level of starch and carbohydrate levels. Get to know which fruits increase body weight.

7. Passion Fruit:

Passion Fruit

Passion fruit is mostly found in the desert region and that too in the summer season. The thing with passion fruit is that it is way too sweet. Thus, the fruits that are too sweet for the taste buds are high in sugar content and helps in the quick weight gain are fruits that will make you gain weight. A bowl of passion fruit can be consumed daily, or you can mix some sweet cream or milk to the passion fruit as prepare a smoothie out of it. Either way, it will help you gain weight quickly.

8. Figs:


Figs not the dried ones, but the fruit ones add in a lot of calories in your body. Gain weight with fruits and consume a handful of figs daily you will hog on some essential vitamins and fibers. Figs are high in sugar connect, and they add on a lot of pounds in your body. You can add some figs with some raisins and fibers and make it a whole bowl and get to know can fruits make you gain weight?

See More: Foods for Weight Gain

9. Berries:


There is a huge misconception surrounding the consumption of berries. It is thought that berries help in major weight loss when coupled with yogurt. The reality is that when berries are mixed with milk or yogurt to make a smoothie, the fat content goes up. In fact, the berries are really sweet and they give you a chance to consume a lot of negative fat in your body. This might be a perfect option for you as berries are natural antioxidants as well. You know now what fruits make you gain weight.

10. Apples:


Apple is one fruit that helps in weight gain as well as weight loss. When apples are consumed in moderate quantities, they help in shedding down those extra kilos. But when apples are eaten up in huge quantities, the fiber in the apples makes you feel more hungry after some time and you tend to eat up some extra plate of food thus you are well versed with the fact can fruits make cause weight gain. This way you end up gaining a lot of weight is one of the fruits that increase weight.

Best Dry Fruits for Weight Gain:

1. Cashew Nuts:

Cashew Nuts

Cashew nuts are considered Suitable for your health as well as excellent dry fruits for weight gain. When you consume cashew nuts every-day, they add up healthy fat levels in your body. Secondly, the high protein connects, and the fiber content in the cashew nuts makes it a perfect deal for weight gain. Further, they are rich in calcium and magnesium which is a good thing for your immunity boost up and your strong bones.

2. Walnuts:


Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acid and they help in keeping a check on healthy and glowing skin and hair as well as a nourished body. Further, the magnesium and iron content is also high in walnuts. These nuts contain a lot of fibers and are a storehouse of all the nutrients; thus they make a fantastic choice for all the people looking to gain some weight, and you can eat them up with some milk as well. So get an answer to does dry fruits help gain weight.

3. Almonds:


Almonds are area boon for people trying to gain weight. These nuts contain vitamin E that is good for the glowing skin and has got a high level of protein and carbohydrates. They contain mono-saturated fats that are good for the body and help you gain weight but keeping a check on the fitness levels as well. Further, the mineral present in the almonds makes it a fantastic natural antioxidant. Just soak a handful of almonds in the night in water and eat it in the morning, with your breakfast and are dry fruits help gain weight.

See More: Diet Chart for Weight Gain

4. Dates:


Dates have been used for weight gain and glowing skin since ages and are dry fruits that increase weight. In the Ancient era, people used to eat dates early in the morning, empty stomach with and a glass of water. The high content of fiber in the dates and presence of high carbohydrates and sugar levels, make dates a perfect option for all this looking for weight gain. It adds a natural glow to the skin by keeping it hydrated and fighting of the radicals, that are responsible for harming the skin.

5. Pistachios:


Pistachios again are an amazing dry fruit to keep a check on the weight management system and keep an overall healthy body. The presence of mono-saturated fats and proteins give a healthy and fit body and a skin that is alluring. Further, there is a high level of carotenoid found in pistachio that keeps a regulation on the eyesight and keeps it healthy. Eat a handful of Pistachios day and night but keep a check on the consumption as it can give you an empty stomach as well.

Fruits to Stay Away From

By now, all you must have gotten accustomed with the fruits that are good for weight gain. However, you need to keep a check on the consumption of fruits that aid in weight loss rather than weight gain.

1. Beetroot:


  • Beetroot is a fruit that has a lot of fiber content and iron. So, if you drink beetroot juice daily, it will make you lose weight.

2. Watermelon:


  • Watermelon is made out of water and fiber. When you eat watermelon, it curbs your hunger, so after eating half of it, you won’t be able to eat your food properly.

3. Grapes:


  • Grapes have vitamin c content, and they satiate your hunger pangs. If you munch onto grapes daily, you will keep on skipping your meals. Further, the green grapes are responsible for weight loss.

Thus, it is always good to stay away from these fruits, so that while you are eating your fruits for weight gain, your efforts don’t go in vain.

See More: Yoga for Weight Gain

Fruits for Bodybuilding:

Athletes consume a lot of fruits to gain weight and build on the muscles. Here are some of the fruits that will help you out in weight gain and building body mass.

  • Bananas are helpful in building those extra muscles. You can eat 2 bananas in the day and 2 bananas in the night for bodybuilding.
  • Melons are high in sugar content and have got mono-saturated fats. These will help you gain weight and will provide you with the protein so that you are healthy and you can build those muscles. These will help you know which fruit juice help you gain weight.
  • Passion fruit mixed with scrambled eggs prove to be healthy. A lot of bodybuilders add this to their diet to gain some muscles. You can have fruit juice for weight gain.
  • Dates are mainly dry fruits that will help you in gaining some energy so that you can work out in the gym properly. Eat a handful of dates before going to the gym and after the workout daily.
  • Almonds are a boost for your energy and help you out in weight lifting by giving you some protein and some content of mono-saturated fats.

Things to Remember & Tips:

Here are some of the tips that you need to follow if you are planning to gain some weight by going on a fruit diet.

  • Never drink water before consuming a bowl of fruit or before eating meals. This will curb your hunger pangs and you will not have a proper appetite.
  • Do not overdo with the dry fruits as it can cause some harm to your stomach and can take it for a ride.
  • If you are eating a lot of protein, then always try to balance it out with fiber-rich fruits. So that you do not overdo with a lot of protein and it does not cause problems like frozen shoulder.
  • Try to consume a lot of roughage in your fruit diet. This way the roughage will keep you hydrated since you will be avoiding fruits with high water content.

Follow these tips to gain some weight and improve your appearance. Get out of the bed and work on your body so that you can make a mark on the people and take pride in your body. If you look good, people will turn and take a look at you. You will get a lot of head turners for your look and whatever you wear will better your appearance in all. So, make a move and be a better person by knowing about fruits that increase weight, dry fruits help weight gain and which fruit juice helps gain weight.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers:

1. Is It Mandatory to Consume Milk with a Fruit Bowl?

It is not mandatory to consume milk with the fruit bowl, however, if you add in some milk in your regime, it will give the added boost to your weight gain process. Milk is high in fat content and it helps you in weight gain. Try to drink milk with some cream, so that it is even easier.

2. If we are Making add Smoothie, Should We Add Sugar or Not and Which Fruit Juice Helps to Gain Weight?

If you are making address smoothie from a particular fruit, it is completely up to you if you want to add some sugar or not. Sugar will give you some unhealthy fats to consume that will get neutralized because of the mono-saturated fats present in the fruit. So, it is completely up to you to add sugar or jot in your smoothies. You can also make fruit juice, and some of them are the best fruit juices for weight gain.

3. Should I Get a Body Check Before Going on a Fruit Diet?

It is very important to get yourself checked before you hit the fruit diet. The fruit diet will help you gain weight, but you need to keep a check on your thyroid. Plus you need to know your hormones level accurately so that you can know theft fat deposition levels in your body. Plus, you will get to know the proper levels of vitamins and minerals in your body, so you know what is to be eaten and that too in the right proportion. In case there is a problem, so with the checkup, you will have the correct solution to the problem.

4. Is it Mandatory to Keep on Exercising While Going on a Fruit Diet?

Yes, it is really important to exercise while you are trying to gain some weight. This way you will be able to utilize the nutrients in the body in the right direction are, and the body will be able to absorb those nutrients as well. Further, always ask your trainer what should be consumed and in what quantity, so that the trainers set the routine of workout for you accustomed to the dietary intake.

5. Will I Be Able to See Results in a Week or it Will Take a Lot of Time?

Whenever you are going on a diet it is really important to keep a proper check on the diet and do your part. If you want quick results with these natural diets, then you will only get disappointed. Remember that good thing takes time. Do not panic and try to work on it and give in your best efforts. You will see the results eventually and once you witness them, you will be floating with a sense of pride in your efforts.

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