Mistakes When Treating Acne

Mistakes When Treating Acne

With the multitude of acne related advice coming from various sources, it can be really hard to distinguish between tidbits of truth, subjective advice and even myths. As a result, we often don’t realize why we don’t get the results we want. The truth is that there are several reasons that might cause setbacks or even stop us from solving our problems altogether. Here are a few things you should not do when treating acne:

Not using medication properly Consulting a dermatologist is an excellent idea, especially when dealing with more severe cases of acne. However, even if the treatment is an effective one, there are still a few things that can diminish its efficiency. Forgetting to take medication once in a while, taking lower/higher dosages or stopping the treatment as soon as your skin appears to be clear are some of the most common mistakes that can be made. Even if you do notice certain improvements, you should never make changes in your behavior without checking with your dermatologist first.Mistakes When Treating Acne

Over-washing your face With so many cosmetic companies promoting facial cleansers that are said to reduce acne, it’s no wonder that many people are trying to wash their face more often, hoping they will clear their acne faster this way. However, acne is not caused by dirt, so over washing will not help improve things in any way. On the contrary: over-washing, especially if a harsh cleanser is used, will only irritate the skin and cause additional unnecessary problems.

Using too many products Going overboard as far as skin care products are concerned is not an uncommon practice. However, “the more the better” mantra often backfires and it can be hard to retrace our steps and repair our mistakes. Learning more about common interactions between ingredients can be very helpful as it can help you make better choices. Doing research on your own or, better yet, bringing your skin care products to the dermatologist and asking about possible interactions might be a wise idea.

Not checking the ingredient list It is a fairly known fact that products labeled as non-comedogenic are considered best for acne problems. However, some products might not be labeled as such. Sunscreen is a good example. Oil-free formulas are a good choice, however, you might also benefit from choosing sunscreens that have avobenzone and oxybenzone on the ingredient list. Also, if you have acne and dry skin, you should avoid lotions containing alcohol, in addition to selecting oil-free products.

Tanning, picking the skin or popping zits These behaviors might be no-nos, yet many simply cannot resist. Using spot treatments is a much better solution than popping pimples or picking the skin as you will avoid the spread of bacteria while speeding up healing. As for tanning, it is a well known fact that although acne is less visible on tanned skin, in the long run, this behavior will not do you any favors. If you are using acne prescription medication, your skin might be more sensitive to skin rays than usual, so an adequate protection is an absolute must.

Mistakes When Treating Acne

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