How to Bleach Lip Hair at Home

How to Bleach Lip Hair at Home

Dealing with dark facial hair is simple, even when you only want to bleach it and not remove it completely. Discover the best ways to bleach lip hair at home.

If you’re not sure if you want to use upper lip hair bleaching products for this problem, you can start out by trying a few natural and simple solutions.

How to Bleach Lip Hair Naturally

There are plenty of methods to bleach lip hair, but they don’t always deliver results as fast as you’d like. Black tea with a little fresh lemon juice can be applied on your upper lip using a cotton pad. Let it dry and rinse thoroughly.

Other natural remedies for bleaching upper lip hair include tomato slices and mashed papaya, both applied on your skin for a few minutes.

How to Bleach Lip Hair with Lemon Juice

One of the most common and easy to use solutions for upper lip hair is lemon juice. The simple way of applying it to your dark facial hair is mixing it with honey. Wash the paste from your lip after 15-20 minutes.

How to Bleach Lip Hair at Home

Letting slightly diluted lemon juice (2/3 lemon juice, 1/3 water) dry on your face in direct sunlight is another method that helps you take advantage of the the UV rays’ bleaching power.

How to Bleach Lip Hair with Hydrogen Peroxide

When you want fast results, hydrogen peroxide is probably your best bet. You can get a 6% solution at any drugstore and you can even mix it with a few drops of ammonia for a stronger effect (about 9 drops for every half ounce). After you make the mixture, do a skin test before you apply it on your entire upper lip.

Leave the mixture on for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse well. Do not repeat this process more than once a day, since hydrogen peroxide can dry your skin when used in excess.

How to Bleach Lip Hair at HomeHow to Bleach Lip Hair at Home

Upper Lip Hair Bleaching Products

If you simply don’t have time to learn how to bleach lip hair naturally or don’t have the proper ingredients at hand, you can try a few products that are even stronger than hydrogen peroxide.

Jolen Creme Bleach is a great choice for you upper lip and it also answers the question “can I bleach body hair” with a resounding yes. It can also be used on your arms and even on your eyebrows.

Sally Hansen Cream Hair Bleach, with aloe and baking soda, can both bleach your hair fast and leave your skin soft thanks to aloe vera.

Do not exceed the application time indicated on the package of all bleaching cosmetics. Simply repeat the application another day if you’re not completely satisfied with the results.

See also:

Natural Hair Removal Methods

Bikini Line Hair Removal Techniques and Products