Anusara Yoga: Heart Oriented Yoga

Anusara Yoga: Heart Oriented Yoga

The word ‘anusara’ means to follow your heart and to flow with nature and with grace. Therefore, Anusara Yoga, which was founded in the year 1997 by the famous John Friend centers its philosophy on the alignment of the human body with nature.

What is Anusara Yoga?

Anusara Yoga is known to be fun, lighthearted and also positive. However, although it might sound simple, it is not easy to practice, as this type of yoga involves a difficult alignment work and also vinyasa flow. On the other hand, Anusara emphasizes the usage of props which makes the classes more accessible to all kinds of people.

Furthermore, you should know that in case you are thinking of taking classes in order to learn this kind of yoga, you will also have to learn the specific vocabulary it utilizes. Nonetheless, although it can sometimes be tough, Anusara can be a good choice for you if you are looking for something appealing not only for your body, but also for your brain.

Anusara Yoga principles

Anusara Yoga has five main principles. The first one is connected to the disposal of opening to grace. People deciding to practice this type of yoga have to place themselves in an association with the Supreme Consciousness’s flow. For this, they must be open-minded and devoted.

The second principle refers to muscular energy and has the purpose of drawing energy from the body’s peripheral zones into its center, in order to increase physical integration, strength and stability. The third and fourth principles refer to the inner and the outer spirals. These are represented by the expanding and the contracting of energy spirals that are able to refine the action of heart opening that this type of yoga promotes.

Finally, the organic energy is the last principle. This refers to the ability of this discipline to extend the central energy to the body’s peripheral zones, in order to increase freedom, expansion and flexibility.

Anusara Yoga: Heart Oriented Yoga

Benefits of Anusara Yoga

There are numerous benefits that Anusara Yoga is able to offer to its practitioners. Among them, the strengthening of their concentration capabilities, the improvement of stamina and the boosting of the energy levels, the improvement of physical flexibility, the enhancing of the lung capacity and the increasing of the meditation power.

Basic Anusara Yoga poses

The Anusara Yoga does not have specific main poses, but an entire definite routine which you have to follow in order to practice this type of yoga as you should. You should start by sitting in a crisscrossed position as far as your legs are concerned. This position must be held for five minutes, during which you have to breathe deeply.

After standing up, you have to lift one foot and place it on your other one, regardless of the position; it could be on your thigh, ankle or calf. While standing like this, you must stretch your spine and then put your foot on the ground. By placing your hands on the floor, you should bend forward. Then, your weight must be moved on your left hand and your right foot must be moved on your left one’s top. Your right hand must now be placed on the right side. You should stay in this position as much as possible, while you stretch and breathe deeply.

Finally, you have to lie on your mat, lift your butt and bend your knees at the same time until you get your entire spine off the mat. Finish up by staying for ten minutes in a relaxed position.

Anusara Yoga: Heart Oriented Yoga