How To Reduce Breast Size At Home – Best Methods

Are you not happy with your personality? Do you want to reduce your breast size? All of you know that the breasts are measured a symbol of femininity plus beauty. Women desire their breasts to be completely shaped plus-sized. Still, at times the breasts turn into larger in size that can be owing to numerous factors counting genetics, pregnancy, obesity, breastfeeding, hormonal changes in the body plus side effects of assured drugs. To decrease breast size, select simple lifestyle changes, dietary changes moreover home remedies. Thus, in this article, we are discussing how to reduce breast size naturally in different ways.

how to reduce breast size at home

How To Decrease Breast Size Naturally At Home:

Below are the 20 best ways and tips to reduce breast size naturally without getting side effects which are very helpful to women who have heavy breast sizes.

1. Fish For Breast Reduction:

Fish For Breast Reduction

  • Fish is small in calories however contains high-quality protein source.
  • It has a good quantity of omega-3 fatty acids that are extremely helpful for burning surplus fat.
  • As extended as you employ cooking technique like baking, steaming, broiling otherwise grilling instead of frying, fish is an outstanding adding to a breast-reduction diet.
  • Attempt, salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring or else trout.

2. Burn Fat Cells:

  • Breast is mostly collected from adipose (fat) tissues. To reduce your breast size you require burning extra fat about breast.
  • Burning a number of fat cells will absolutely assist a lot to decrease your breast size.
  • To reduce your breast size you actually require making some nutritional changes in your daily diet plan for rapid fat burning.
  • Decrease your caloric eating. Attempt to burn more calories than you consume.
  • Create a calorie deficit throughout the proper diet plan plus exercise will burn body fat that in turn reduces breast size logically.

3. Cosmetic Surgery:

  • This technique is extremely expensive plus has its side effects too; however, this is the merely permanent answer.
  • Breast reduction is methodically named as reduction mammoplasty.
  • This reduction surgery is all concerning removing surplus fat tissue from your breast plus partly glandular tissue moreover skin as well to achieve your desired breast size that is in an amount to your body structure.
  • This also helps in lessening the uneasiness linked by overly large breasts.
  • It involves its danger as well the incisions, the probability of getting infected plus mostly not being clever to breastfeed your baby following surgery.
  • These all are permanent impacts plus you must think about them ahead of going for surgery.

4. Neem & Turmeric To Reduce Breast Size:

  • Ayurvedic medicine to decrease inflammation of the breasts throughout breastfeeding is neem plus turmeric.
  • Together the herbs have anti-inflammatory properties.
  • One time the inflammation subsides; the mass of your breasts will automatically be condensed.
  • Simmer a handful of neem leaves in 4 cups of water for concerning 10 minutes, plus then strain it.
  • Blend in 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder plus minute honey.
  • Swallow this herbal water every day for a few months.

5. Body Fat Drop Plan:

  • It consists of a three-phase food plan, works out to decrease body fat and then arresting the balance among both your diet plus exercise example.
  • Currently, you must be wonder how body fat reduction can assist me in dropping breast size this will be full care when you recognize that your breast consists of mostly fat tissue plus a reduction in body fat will result in routine size decrease of breasts.
  • Large bust size plus the breast is fewer of fat plus more of glandular tissue thus this might help some and may not show too successful for others.

See More:  How To Reduce Breast Size At Home In 7 Days

6. Massage To Decrease Breast Size:

  • Massage is an ancient medicine to decrease overall body fat and breast size.
  • While massaging your breasts, give different time to every breast.
  • Smear warm olive otherwise coconut oil on your breasts.
  • By your middle finger plus ring finger, rub each of the breasts in spherical motions plus upward direction for 10 minutes.
  • Do again the massage two times daily for at least 3 months to see size reduction.
  • You can also rub using a breast reduction cream otherwise lotion.

7. Egg and Onion:

  • Single more herbal way to decrease breasts is to utilize Egg white plus beat it by a little cream, put it below your breast area plus also breasts well.
  • Remain it there for 30 minutes plus then get the juice of one full onion blend it with water also then clean the cream above the breasts by this water.
  • This is extremely useful to create the breast firmer plus tighter. This will also assist in breast reduction.

8. Hoelen:

  • This is really a mushroom which can be found rising on the base of the red pine trees. The herb has measured a mushroom but does not look like them in any method.
  • The herb is a fungus which decays the wood of the trees it cultivates below and even damages the roots of the trees causing the whole formation to crumble.
  • At rest, hoelen has medicinal properties plus is utilized in the manufacture of breast reduction pills.

9. Ginger Root To Reduce Breast Size:

  • All of you are very well familiar with the ginger as it used for treating infections for example cold, sore throat, and cough.
  • Lots of people also utilize ginger root for helping by the weight loss since the herb boost the metabolic rate of the body cause the body to burn a higher amount of fatty tissues.
  • This also affects the breast size because they are typically made up of the fatty adipose tissues.
  • To reduce your breast size get 10 grams of ginger root tea each day for 3-6 months.

10. Green Tea To Decrease Breast Size:

Green Tea To Decrease Breast Size

  • Green tea is moreover successful in aiding weight loss plus decreasing breast size.
  • Catechins establish in green tea endorse weight loss by inspiring the body to burn calories plus decreasing body fat. This help to decrease breast size. Additionally, green tea decreases the danger of breast cancer.
  • Include 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves to a cup of hot water.
  • Wrap and sheer for a few minutes.
  • Strain, next mix a little honey.
  • Sip 3 to 4 cups of green tea regularly for as a minimum a few months.

See More:  How To Reduce Fat From Breast

11. Citrus Fruit Juices:

  • Gulp fresh citrus fruit juices as Vitamin C present in citrus fruits not only boost metabolism however also assist a lot to burn calories that in turn leads to weight loss plus breast reduction.
  • Orange, Lemon, lime, cranberry plus grapefruit juices are brilliant choices for weight loss over and above breast reduction.

12. Flax Seeds To Reduce Breast Size:

  • Flax seeds hold omega-3 fatty acids which help to decrease estrogen levels in the body.
  • A great estrogen level is single of the reasons behind bloated breasts.
  • As well, flax seeds aid to eliminate harmful toxins from the body.
  • Include 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds to a glass of hot water.
  • Sip it once daily.
  • One more option is to get 1 to 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil every day.

13. Nuts To Decrease Breast Size:

  • Nuts are also the basis of energy plus necessary antioxidants moreover nutrients that are essential for a female body to cope up with the whole thing.
  • Best nuts which you must comprise in your diet are walnut, Brazilian nuts together with macadamia nuts and almond which are neither salted nor coated by the sugar.
  • The eating of nuts assists you to keep healthy metabolism over the key to weight management.

14. Exercises To Reduce Breast Size:

Exercises To Reduce Breast Size

Breasts are correctly measured to improve the beauty of a woman, however, occasionally oversize breasts might look ugly plus often lead to health issues for example neck pain, breast cancer, arthritis plus other similar health issues. Enlarged breast size can be caused by high estrogen level in the body. Learn how to reduce boob size with exercises.


It is the most widespread variety of exercise plus is extremely successful in building up shoulder muscles plus chest muscles.

  • Put your palms resolutely on the ground by fingers somewhat apart starting each other so as to offer good support.
  • Currently thrust your chest upwards plus continue in that position for concerning two seconds before coming down another time.
  • Repeat the process.
  • Perform this at least 10 times twice every day for best results.


  • Start by brisk 10-minute walks plus alternate by 30 seconds of running also 1 minute of walking.
  • Perform this for concerning 3 days in a week, raising the quantity of time running plus lessening the time of walking.
  • Following some time, you must be running for 20 to 30 minutes incessantly.

Team Sports:

  • Team sports for women similar to volleyball otherwise tennis can endorse weight loss, get better in general health plus foster camaraderie among team members.

Climbing The Stairs:

  • You can climb and down stairs frequently for 15 to 20 minutes every day.
  • This is extremely effectual in decreasing body fat counting surplus fat from the breasts.
  • Moreover, this is an extremely easy plus available form of exercise that anyone can do.


  • Start the triceps dips by sit on a chair by your hands after that to the thighs.
  • Poise your weight on your arms by touching your rear opposite the chair by legs straight otherwise bent.
  • Curve your elbows plus lower the body a few inches, by means of your shoulders left from the ears also going not lesser than 90 degrees.
  • Shove the body back up to initial position.
  • Repeat, performing 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps.

Cardio Exercises:

  • It can decrease your general body fat plus can boost your heart rate, ensuing in largely better health.
  • As you burn more calories plus fat, your breast size will also decrease.
  • Perform these cardio exercises as a minimum 3-4 times a week for best results.

Aerobic Exercises:

  • Aerobic exercises accelerate your metabolism rate that in order decreases general body fat. One time you start losing weight, your breasts will mechanically decrease in size.
  • Brisk walking moreover helps burn fat all above your body.
  • Confirm to perform aerobic exercises for 30 minutes, as a minimum 4 or 5 times a week.

Bench Press:

  • Whereas lying supine on a bench otherwise floor, drag abs in tightly plus flatten the lower back to the bench using dumbbells.
  • Begin with weights straight over your chest, by elbows at 90 degrees.
  • Push your arms directly devoid of locking, plus then go back to the initial position.
  • Perform one to three sets of 12-16 reps.

The Hip Shift:

To do the hip shift you require raising your hands in the up direction whereas standing in a straight line.

  • Join your palms.
  • As holding your wrists plus palms very strongly, free your index finger.
  • Currently while inhaling shove your hips towards the right side.
  • Then blow out whereas you bring your hips back to the initial position.
  • At present, drive hips in the left direction.
  • Perform it ten times daily.
  • One time you start by these exercises, rapidly you will create noticing the changes in your breast size.
  • You want to be a little patient as burning fat can be tedious however definitely not impossible.

Light Weight Lifting:

You can choose for lifting lightweight dumbbells (otherwise still heavyweight dumbbells if you are comfortable) in case you desire to decrease your bust size.

  • Set straight otherwise sit on a chair.
  • Pick up dumbbells in both hands plus lift them up moreover put your hands downward.
  • Repeat the process lots of times.
  • Perform it at least 10 times on a normal basis and observe your bust size decrease.


This is an outstanding cardio workout, whether you perform this indoors otherwise outdoors. It increases your endurance whereas burning a lot of calories (250-500 or 30 minutes), depending on the rapidity plus quantity of resistance utilized.

Pec Deck Flys:

To perform these,

  • Sit down in the pec deck fly machine by your back leaning next to the seat.
  • Put the forearms on the padded lever.
  • Your upper arms have to be similar to the floor.
  • Gradually push arms ahead in an arc, press your chest awaiting your elbows meet in the middle, opposite your chest.
  • Go back to starting position plus repeat.


  • This is a whole-body exercise that burns extra calories.
  • If you expend 30 minutes performing the breaststroke plus you will burn on 400 calories.

15. Rubia Cordifolia To Reduce Bust Size:

The herb works on you by helping in the reduction of your breast size and that is done by bringing down a decrease in your estrogen levels.

  • This herb is also known for its essence of purifying the blood.
  • In India, it is commonly known as Manjishta and has widespread popularity among women not happy with their cup size at all.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties that bring down the excessive swelling of your breast tissues, and this herb also helps in reducing the male breasts, among men who aren’t quite happy about it.
  • Your usual hormone levels are easily regulated by this herb, which is why it sets a good example on how to reduce the breast size.

Coming to the dosage and direction now, the herb is to be taken dried, and a recommended 1 to 3 grams is the limit. For a better and safer idea, what you can do is mix the herb along with honey and work on your breasts by massaging the herb externally.

16. Guarana:

Guarana has over time found its use in many breast reduction pills, and is now used raw and naturally by many women who do not intend to spend away all their money trying to reduce their fatty tissues.

  • It is known to contain both tannins as well as caffeine, both of which are known to fix the metabolic rates and reduce the breast size. It targets your adipose tissues and thus helps keep your weight loss limited to only your breasts.
  • You don’t have to come off as skinny that way. Apart from this usual benefit, it is also known to bring in a change in your mental balance and helps reduce fluid retention, thus keeping your weight in check.
  • The herb is also safe even after lactation and is used by the women of South America for all the right reasons. It helps in a quicker reduction that most of the other natural ways mentioned here.
  • Talking of dosage, the herb is available in tea and capsule form; however, your doctor should nod his head before you use it. Mix with any juice you like in case its bitter taste doesn’t leave an appeal on you.

17. Wearing The Right Clothes:

When you are looking for tips to reduce breast size, the best one that works in your favour is wearing clothes that make your figure look well in shape. While going the natural way takes time this one will have to do until then. It not only helps draw attention away from your breasts that you want to cover up but also gives you time to work on them and surprise everyone.

  • Clothes can literally make you or break your look. So, when you are looking for clothes that help make you slimmer and push your body into a more proportionate bit, you don’t switch over to wrong choices.
  • Loose-fitting clothes often help make you look slimmer and give you an attractive waistline.
  • Going into a more detailed view, avoid shirts with a low neck.
  • Prefer bras that help reduce your breast size well., they go by the name of minimizer bras usually.
  • Color combination of your clothes matter as well, so avoid anything too flashy or loud on your upper half.
  • Make sure neckline’s always on point with the right kind of tops.
  • Most of all, avoid plunging necklines.

18. Yoga To Reduce Breast Size:

For yoga, things work out differently than the usual exercises. When you want to know just how to reduce breast size naturally by yoga, one of the best methods is yoga. They help tone your muscles, lose all that extra fat, reduce the size of your breast and most importantly keep your posture straight and flexible. There is no match for yoga when it comes to helping you unravel your brain, mind and soul all at once. The yoga pose that helps keep your breast size a cup smaller overtime is “Ardha chakrasana”. It tones your upper body so well, including your arms, that it makes you look slimmer in no time. To reduce your breast size at home, this one works wonders.

  • Stand straight first and keep your feet together all the same. While doing so, allow your hands to be straight and keep your body weight on your feet.
  • Inhale and while you do so, keep raising your arm over your head. You need to make sure your palms face each other when you are doing the stretch.
  • Exhale as you bend backwards with your arms still extended, and push your pelvic region in front.
  • Hold the position for 5 seconds and get back to the original one slowly.

19. Indulge In Fish Oil:

Fishes are quite a beneficial protein, but enough talk about that since we have already covered how they help in your breast size reduction. Let us talk about the oil instead now.

  • The oil has Omega 3 fatty acids, whose health benefits aren’t unknown to you.
  • This acid regulates the level of estrogen in your body and controls your body weight effectively.
  • Any cold-water fish is welcome, but prefer salmon or tuna mostly.
  • Add walnut, flaxseed and soya as well.
  • Do not overeat or consume more than a standard dosage since that will only make you gain weight instead.

20. Maintain a Decent Diet:

The best way to reduce your weight is to keep a healthy diet chart in hand. That works true and well for your breast muscles as well.

  • Fruits and vegetables are a must as they contain antioxidants necessary for a steady weight and metabolism.
  • Reduce sugar intake and cut out the unhealthy fat that you consume.
  • Stay away from processed or canned food as well.
  • Lastly, water is your friend, so don’t forget to wrap it all up with at least 6 glasses a day.

These are some of the simple tips, home remedies and exercises for how to reduce breast size naturally at home. While a number of medicines and surgical interventions are available in the market to reduce breast size, these come with many health risks and sometimes can lead to death. Following these natural remedies are the best and effective way to reduce your breast size, instead of relying on medical and surgical intervention.

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