Best Natural Anti Wrinkle Remedies

Best Natural Anti Wrinkle Remedies

Erasing wrinkles naturally can be achieved through a few different ways, but don’t expect fast miracles. Once you’re willing to try the best natural anti-wrinkle remedies, you can improve the look of your skin gradually.

Wrinkles can be caused and exaggerated by UV radiation, so make sure you start using adequate sunscreen every day, summer or winter, to prevent any more sun damage to your skin. Once you’ve got that covered, try a few great options for an anti-wrinkle natural treatment.

Facial MassageProper circulation can improve the look of your skin and you don’t need acupuncture for that, just a bit of pressure you can apply with your fingers. Use two fingers, your index and middle one, and massage the area between your eyebrows, your temples and your jawbone joint to increase blood flow and fight wrinkles.

Papaya and Milk Facial Mask

Best Natural Anti Wrinkle RemediesUse a combination of papaya and milk as your natural all natural wrinkle remover. Remove the seeds and cut up the papaya before putting it in your blender and adding milk. With a combination of alpha-hydroxy acids from the milk and antioxidants in the papaya, you’ll see results fast, including tighter skin and less noticeable wrinkles.

Coconut OilOne of the best natural anti-wrinkle remedies is coconut oil. You can opt for a cleanse in which you gradually drink more and more or you can use it directly on your skin to help rebuild tissue and get back more elasticity. It’s a natural antioxidant and can help with erasing wrinkles naturally and even acne.

Beet and Carrot JuiceOne of the best natural anti-wrinkle remedies is a combination of beet juice and carrot juice, both filled with vitamins and natural compounds that help your skin look younger. Mix a tablespoon of each and apply it to your face for at least 10 minutes, before rinsing with lukewarm water and patting your skin dry.

Honey Cleanse

Best Natural Anti Wrinkle RemediesErasing wrinkles naturally can be as simple as using honey to clean your face instead of a regular cleanser. Warm the honey if it’s too thick and add water in to turn it into an all natural wrinkle remover that also fights breakouts.

Foods for Erasing Wrinkles NaturallyWhat you eat is just as important as what you put on your skin when it comes to wrinkles. Get plenty of antioxidants from dark chocolate and eat more nuts, especially almonds, along with berries, especially blueberries and blackberries to help your skin create more collagen and regain its elasticity.

Don’t miss: Best Makeup Tips for Wrinkles

Photos: Thinkstock

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