Indoor Tanning VS Sun Must Read

Indoor Tanning VS Sun Must Read

You prepare to parade in small skirts, so you want to get bronzed legs immediately. But where and how can you get a beautiful and healthy-look bronze?

In the beginning of every summer you confront with the same problem: you’re telling to yourself that the pale, aristocratic skin, à la Nicole Kidman, doesn’t catch you. You hanker after an exotic look. Tanned legs look slimmer and the smooth, chocolate skin is so sexy!

However, don’t hurry to expose to the forced tanning! Because what’s for you a dose of sex-appeal, it could have a tormenting effect to your skin!

Indoor Tanning VS Sun Must Read

What is tanning?It’s the defensive reaction of the skin to the UV aggression, like how the horny skin is the protective reaction against the friction of the skin.More exactly, in first sentence, the epidermal layer thickens, to improve the capacity of the skin to filter the radiations which cause sunburns. Then the cells from the base of the epidermis multiply and they start to produce more pigment, which is colored by the ultra-violet rays – and that’s how bronze appears.

Same reaction appears, but harder, in the first days of exposure to the sun or in the tanning bed, when the skin is very vulnerable.On the one hand, the UV ray are stimulating the synthesis of vitamin D through the skin ( essential vitamin to the assimilation of calcium) and hardens the bones, combats osteoporosis, they have an antidepressant effect and they stimulate the production of some hormones, which are necessary for the balance of your body. Besides, it helps to treat some skin-diseases, like psoriasis. On the other hand, the intense and repeated exposure of the skin to sun or indoor tanning loses step by step elasticity, transparence, and uniform color and accentuates the vascular drawing.So the UV rays in excess wrinkles, prematurely ages and spots skin.

Indoor Tanning VS Sun Must Read

UV Rays TypesThe sun has 3 types of rays, differentiated by the wave length:– UVC rays – the shortest (which in large measure are filtrated by the Ozone),– UVB – with medium length and– UVA – the longest.

The indoor tanning imitates the sun: emits UVB and UVA rays, but using a much smaller quantity of UVB rays then natural light. This way the partisan of artificial tanning says that they avoid with brio, the sunburn. But at one closer look, things are not that simple. UVB rays penetrate skin less and they can arouse sunburn and sunstroke.