11 Effective Ayurvedic Medicines To Increase Height Without Side Effects

It is hard to see people being affected by their short height, mentally and emotionally, and it is tough to find a realistic way to add a few inches. Also, this, however, does not mean it is totally impossible, though. One of the solutions you might not even have known; you were looking for is height gain ayurvedic medicine for height increase. Ayurveda is a medicinal practice associated with a wide range of ailments being treated. It is a very natural, holistic type of medication that causes no side effects by providing cures based on mixed herbs that occur naturally. Did you know that Ayurveda is one of the best remedies for adding a few inches to your height? Here is an essential and detailed guide to the top ayurvedic medicine for height growth products to get taller.

Short height can be due to heredity reasons, lack of proper nutrition, deficiency in essential vitamins and minerals, substance abuse, lack of sufficient physical activity, endocrine/ hormonal problems, mostly related to the hypo-functional pituitary gland. Also, issues with bone formation and calcification are responsible for shorter stature and build.

Ayurvedic medicine for height like kayakalp, abhyanga, Nasya, and Rasayana, are some of the best Ayurvedic medicines for increasing height. Further, these medicines help in strengthening the muscles and relieving tension from body tissues, rejuvenating body, bestowing anti-aging benefits, and improving the functioning of vital organs, immune system and endocrine system in the body.

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian science that makes medicine with only natural and medicinal herbs. The best part about Ayurvedic medicines is that they are mostly free of side effects. Ayurvedic ways to increase height provide maximum benefits if they are consumed in pre-puberty and puberty years because that is when the natural tendency of the body to grow taller is at its maximum. However, it can also be helpful, if consumed by the age of 25 years in men and 21 years in women. The results yielded by Ayurvedic Height Growth are slow and can be appreciated only over a few months.

Ayurveda alone cannot do wonders, and it is equally essential that a person takes a well-balanced diet with the wholeness of proteins, vitamins and minerals and controls his/ her body weight. Remember to indulge in lots of physical exercises like sprinting, running, stretching, and yoga.

The article has compiled a list of top 9 height medicine increase height ayurvedic that have been extensively used for years, alone or in combination with other herbs and food substances to help out those who are short and to grow to a maximum height, they can.

Best Ayurvedic Medicines For Height Increase Naturally:

Read on to know about the properties of these Ayurvedic herbs that bring about the holistic well-being of a person and therefore, directly or indirectly help to boost increase in height. Height gain ayurvedic medicine is here.

1. Shilajit/Mineral Pitch/Asphaltum:

ayurvedic medicines to increase height

This best ayurvedic medicine for height growth is capable of providing multiple benefits like improvement in body strength and flexibility, increasing stamina, controlling blood pressure, weight loss, improvement in memory, boost in libido, increase in height and emotional wellbeing.

How to Use: The mixture is best when consumed with warm milk or warm water. Take the required quantity and mix well in water or warm milk. It is recommended to be consumed in the morning and in the evenings, take Purblack 30 or 40 minutes after eating and one hour before you go to sleep.

When to Take: You can consume the resin any time of the day at your convenience.

2. Ashwagandha/Withaniasomnifera/Indian Ginseng:

Ashwagandha Ayurvedic Medicines to Increase Height

Ashwagandha is best ayurvedic medicine for height increase which is a powdered root of a powerful Ayurvedic herb, is known to improve bone width as well as density and is therefore found to be very useful in increasing height.


  • Two tablespoons of Ashwagandha powder is best taken with warm cow milk sweetened with fresh jaggery or Gur at night for at least 45 days to observe the effect of this Ayurvedic medicine for increasing height.
  • Another popular Ayurvedic combination to consume Ashwagandha, to take it along with Khajoor/dates, Black sesame, and ghee made out of ‘Cow’s milk.

To reap maximum benefits, indulge in junk-free diet and avoid loading your body with toxins like tea, coffee, alcohol, and smoking. Those with high blood pressure should, in any case, avoid it or take it after consultation with a trusted Ayurvedic practitioner.

3. Shatavari/Asparagus Racemosus/Liliaceae:

Shatavari Ayurvedic Medicine to Increase Height

Shatavari is another Ayurvedic treatment for increasing height. It is derived from roots and leaves of the herb and is a very rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, fats vitamins B, C and A. Due to the richness in nutrients. It is found useful in increasing the height of an individual. Also, it is found greatly helpful in treating nervous disorders, inflammation and hypertension naturally and safely.

Dosage: Shatavari is usually prescribed by Ayurvedic medical practitioners to be taken twice per day, morning, and in the evening. They are available in the form of capsules in the market.

Warning: Pregnant women should not take it.

[See More: Height Growth Supplements]

4. Yashtimadhu/Glycyrrhiza Glabra:

Ayurvedic Medicine to Increase Height

This medicine to increase height through Ayurveda also has been found to contain anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-stress, and anti-inflammatory qualities. Also, it further improves the texture of skin and hair along with improving stamina and height in individuals.

Dosage: Maximum dosage in a day is not more than ‎6 grams. They are available in the stores as tablets.

  • For adults‎: ‎1 to 3 grams
  • For children‎: ‎250 mg to 1.5 grams

Warning: For pregnant and lactating ladies, it is best to consult a physician before taking them.

5. Guggul:


This Ayurvedic herb is required as ayurvedic ways to increase height as it greatly aids and helps in improving body metabolism. Further, this is helpful for those trying to shed some weight. It helps in normalising the lipid profile by reducing the levels of low-density lipoproteins and very-low-density lipoproteins while increasing the levels of the heart-friendly, high-density lipoproteins. It helps in increasing levels of thyroid hormones in people who have hypothyroid, a reason for being short.

Dosage: A typical dose of guggul powder is ¼–½ teaspoon, once or twice daily, or as directed by your doctor. Guggul powder can also be taken with water, milk, ghee, honey, or another carrier substance.

Warning: The doctor can advise you the dosage specification depending on your body and health.

6. Arjuna/Terminalia Arjuna Bark:

Arjuna/Terminalia Arjuna Bark

Arjuna is yet another Ayurvedic medicine for increasing height, one that is derived from the bark of the tree and is known to improve overall metabolism thus, having an overall positive effect on an ‘individual’s growth. It has antioxidant and cardioprotective properties too. You can find Arjuna bark herb and extract in health food stores and online or other drug stores.

Dosage: Take one capsule once a day or as suggested by your doctor.

Warning: Since there are studies on its uses and benefits, it is difficult to ascertain the proper dosage and how it interacts with other medications.

[See More: Foods To Grow Taller]

7. Bala:

Bala Ayurvedic Medicine to Increase Height

This ayurvedic treatment for height increase helps in building muscular strength and improves overall stamina of a person. This is why the oil derived from Bala herb is used to massage in children and athletes to increase muscular strength. When taken along with sweetened milk, it revitalizes the body and promotes healing of body tissues.

Dosage: Dry the leaves thoroughly in sunlight and grind it to make it into powder.

Take about ½ to 2 grams per day and mix it in milk or fruit juice. You can also split the amount and have it twice a day.

Warning: Consult your doctor if you experience any irritation.

8. Guduchi:

Guduchi Ayurvedic Medicine to Increase Height

Guduchi works on the tissue elements in the body and strengthens them. The medicine further also boosts the immune system and makes sure that all the organs work in harmony with each other to promote holistic growth. Guduchi is an ideal height growth treatment in Ayurveda that is known to show results significantly.

Dosage: The powder of the leaves has to be extracted by drying the leaves and grinding them well. Take 3-6 grams a day and mix it in 15 ml of water. Drink the decoction daily once a day.

9. Amalaki:

Amla to Increase Height

When consumed regularly without fail, this height growth treatment in Ayurveda helps in increasing height and reducing weight. It also helps in treating thyroid-related problems, which negatively influences height.

Dosage: Clean and grind the fruit well. Soak this in amla juice for about 20 nights. Mix this with ghee, honey, and long pepper and some fine sugar. Keep the mix in a jar greased with ghee.

Mix this jam of 5 grams twice a day in lukewarm water. Use it daily to see results.

Warning: For lactating women, it is best to consult a doctor before consuming.

[See More: Yoga To Increase Height]

10. Praval Pishti:

Praval Pishti

This is the best Ayurvedic product for height growth in Patanjali. It will promote a healthy metabolism and boost the endocrine system. The product is made from coral and contains plenty of health benefits, and is an effective Ayurvedic medicine to increase height after 18 years of age.

Dosage: 125 mg to 500 mg twice or thrice a day is the ideal dosage. The maximum dosage of praval pishti should not exceed from 2500 mg per day.

Warning: Consult your doctor for ideal usage.

11. Dr Ayurveda Height Increaser:

Dr Ayurveda Height Increaser

This is a popular Ayurvedic product to increase height with no side effects. Dr Ayurveda Height Increaser is made of a herbal mixture. It has few ingredients, like Shatavari, Tal Makhana, Harad, Ashwagandha, Kale Til, Kali Musli, Amla, Salam Mishri, Rumi Mastagi, and Mishri. This is good ayurvedic medicine for height increase after 22

Dosage: Take 1-2 grams in the morning after waking up and do the same before retiring to bed, mixed in normal water.

Warning: Consult your doctor for an ideal dosage.

Ayurvedic Tips to Increase Height:

Increasing your height can now be easy with some tips straight from Ayurveda.

1. Avoid Tea and Coffee:

Avoid coffee and tea in your diet; instead, include a glass of milk. Milk will strengthen your bones, and the calcium in it acts as a height booster.

2. Yoga:

Practice Yoga. Specific yoga exercises are meant to increase your height by releasing growth-inducing hormones. Try Surya Namaskar, Adho Mukha Svanasana for height increase.

3. Exercise:

Next to yoga, try some stretching exercise like the cobra stretch, bow down or stand on your toes for several minutes every day as many number of times as possible.

4. Ashwagandha:

Ashwagandha is a power-packed jam that is also known as Indian ginseng. Mix two spoons of the jam in warm water. You can add sugar or honey and drink before going to bed. While on this, avoid fast food. Apart from these, many other Ayurvedic herbs are found to be effective in increasing height in individuals. Patanjali claims to offer some best Ayurvedic height increasing products, but before you begin to consume any of these, make sure to observe any side effects. Ayurvedic products usually have no side effects, but if you still face any side effects, stop them at once.

These were Ayurvedic ways to increase height that you can use to see visible results along with proper nutrition and exercise quickly. Talk to your doctor before you take any of these medicines if you have any major health concerns. Do not worry anymore; with these natural cures, you can increase your height and improve your posture. Do you have any more Ayurvedic herbs you think we should all know about? Write in the comments below. Let us create a naturally healthy world together!

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers:

Q1. How Does One Grow Tall?

Ans: The human growth hormone produced in the pituitary gland induces an increase in height. The growth hormone level in our body is high up to adolescence, during which we grow in height. The human growth hormone level begins to drop in the body once the adolescent years have passed, thereby stopping growth after that. Women usually stop growing after 21, while men tend to grow up to 25. These are only the average ages, though. Women can increase their height up to 25 years of age and men up to 27-30 years of age.

Q2. Is There Any Ayurvedic Medicine for Height Increase after 30?

Ans: There is no guarantee. However, the following medicines can be taken:

  • Dhatupaushtik Vati two tablets after meals twice a day with warm milk.
  • Shatavari Churna 3g after meals twice a day with hot milk.
  • Drakshasava 15 mL twice a day after meals with the same amount of water.

Talk to your doctor and take the above medicines with their consent.

Q3. Does jaggery Cause an Increase in Height?

Ans: The reason brown sugar or jaggery helps in increasing height is its high antioxidant properties. They contain anti-inflammatory compounds, polyphenols (Fontanella), and phytochemicals.

Q4. Does Dr Ayurveda really increase height?

Ans: Dr Ayurveda Height Increaser Ayurvedic capsules consist of herbal mixture. Depending on the person, the height increase can be between 1 to 6 inches. This formula can also boost immunity and protect you against different diseases.

Q5. What Are Some Additional Tips to Gain a Few Inches?

Ans: Do yoga and pranayama regularly. It helps make your metabolism better. Do Tadasana, Kapalbhati, and AnulomVilom, usually. Avoid food that is spicy and fried. Eat fruit and fibrous foods and green leafy vegetables. Get plenty of water to drink.

Q6. Does Ashwagandha work as Ayurvedic Medicine for height increase after 25?

Ans: Yes, it is possible. The wide range of minerals in Ashwagandha helps to expand the bones of the body and also increases bone density, which helps to increase height.

Q7. Is Milk Good for Height Increase?

Ans: Milk is rich in calcium, which is a vital bone growth mineral. Calcium also acts as a booster for height. In addition to calcium, milk has vitamin A and protein essential for overall body development, including height. Drink a minimum of two glasses of milk daily to increase your height by a few inches.

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