What Vegetables to Eat and Avoid During Pregnancy?

Confused! Which vegetable is good or which one is bad during pregnancy? Pregnant woman should eat a balanced diet to ensure normal growth and the overall development of the unborn baby. In India, nourishment of pregnant women is prejudiced by food fads, customs, taboos, civilizing plus spiritual beliefs; food habits and the attitude of family members. In addition, there is the idea of “hot foods,” “sour foods” and cold foods” which are to be avoided, that consist of papaya, banana, pineapple, fish, egg, mango, etc.

25 weeks pregnant

Top 9 vegetables to avoid during pregnancy:-

1. Sprouted Potato:


This vegetable is not only dangerous for pregnant women but for everyone. Don’t eat it as sprouted potato encloses toxins that are injurious to health. Particularly, solan in in potato by green sprout will unfavorably influence the fetal growth and boost the danger of miscarriage. This is moreover single of the most dangerous foods that cause miscarriage that people must know and keep an eye out for.

2. Eggplant:


Baingan or Eggplant is a vegetable used very often in Indian homes. It is found that eggplant is a diuretic enclosing phytohormones, causing premenstrual syndrome plus amenorrhea. In one case, ½ an eggplant was consumed every day; it logically stimulated the start of menses that had ceased for more than 2 years. Stand on such goods; it is contraindicated throughout pregnancy.

3. Fragrant Knotweed:

It is easy to grow and is frequently used in many Vietnamese dishes. Fragrant knotweed is peppery with pungent aroma. Consuming raw fragrant knotweed will warm the stomach, serving to boost the body heat. Its consumption leads to blood loss. Mainly, fragrant knotweed has substances that can increase the uterine contractions, resulting in a miscarriage.

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4. Centella:


Centella has lots of effects on healing hypotension plus prolonging youthfulness. It moreover has diuretic effect, plus antipyretic effect, and an effect on treating the cassava poisoning. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid consuming centella because it can lead to a miscarriage, cause bloating, and cold stomach. Centella can cooperate with medications that cause drowsiness plus anti convulsants, antidepressant drugs plus insomnia drugs and decrease the efficiency of insulin, cholesterol-lowering drugs and diabetes medications.

5. Bitter Melon:

Bitter Melon

Pregnant women also nursing mothers must not eat bitter melon since it can source uterine contractions, damage and fetal hemorrhage. Moreover, bitter melon can annoy the uterus and can lead to premature birth. Women who are breastfeeding also must not consume bitter melon since a number of harmful components could be transmitting to the baby throughout breast milk.

See More: Fruits Avoid During Pregnancy

6. Artemisia Vulgaris:

Artemisia Vulgaris

It is sour, spicy with good aroma and has helpful effects in the regulation of blood circulation, muscle pain, abdominal pain reduction as well as nerves soothing. A pregnant lady could potentially experience heavy bleeding inflamed uterine contractions plus miscarriage.

7. Drumstick Tree:

Drumstick Tree

The primary vegetable in the list of foods that cause miscarriages in early pregnancy is drumstick tree. The cause is since drumstick tree holds alpha-sitosterol that is a hormone that has estrogen-like structure successful in preventing pregnancy building uterine muscle smooth moreover leading to miscarriage.

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8. Portulaca Oleracea:

Portulaca Oleracea

It has extremely elevated nutrient content and can be measured as a very good medicine. Its juice is effective to decrease body heat, detoxify blood stream, plus destroys worms within our body. Its juice can cause uterine contractions, it is not recommended for pregnant women to avoid any chances of mishaps.

9. Sauropus Androgynus:

Sauropus Androgynus

It is “cold” within and also sweet that can be successfully used to decrease body heat, nourish blood flow, detoxify and it moreover has laxative properties. It contains vitamin K, a vitamin that is odd in the plant kingdom. This also has Papaverine – a substance established in the opium poppy, leaving effects on increasing the smooth muscle of vascular to decrease pain and lower blood pressure. You might face uterine contractions leading to still birth or miscarriage and has been classified as risky during pregnancy.

10. Raw Sprouts:

Health administrations have termed raw spouts as “unsafe” for pregnant women. Studies have shown that sprouts may contain bacteria such as Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli that can have adverse effects the pregnant woman and the growing baby.

Best Vegetables for Pregnancy:

Eating 5 portions of vegetables is highly suggested for pregnant women. Vegetables are a vital part of a healthy diet especially during pregnancy as they are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and finer.

Until now we looked at which vegetables not to eat during pregnancy. Let’s take a look at some of the top 10 recommended vegetables:

Vitamin C: Vital for immunity

  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes
  • Red, Green and Yellow peppers

Potassium: Maintains blood pressure. Dark leafy greens are the source of potassium.

Folic Acid: Reduces the chances of neural tube defects. Some examples of vegetables rich in foliates are broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Spinach and asparagus.

Calcium: Vital for healthy bones and teeth – Dark leafy veg, such as broccoli, kale, watercress, Green French Beans and Brussels Sprouts.

Fiber: Helps prevent constipation and must be a part of the prenatal diet. Some good sources are Peas, Sweet potatoes, Turnips and legumes.

Now that you know the safe vegetables, ensure you snack on these veggies and make them an imperative part of your healthy pregnancy diet. Snack on carrots and celery sticks with hummus, serves as a very healthy snack. You can consume healthy smoothies made at home with vegetables and fruits and that takes care of one portion of your day-to-day consumption. It is best to check with your doctor and what is safe and what is not safe for you. Your doctor will suggest the best taking into consideration your allergies. Be cautious and remember that your food defines not just your health, but also your growing baby’s.

Images source:  6, 8, 9.

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